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Novel Pairings

May 25, 2021

Every quarter, we stop to reflect on our reading lives and share a few of our favorite reads. Today, we’re looking back at books from our spring reading season, from palate-cleansing pageturners to nuanced nonfiction. We’d love to hear what you read this spring! Let us know at @novelpairingspod on Instagram

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Books mentioned:

The Duke Who Didn’t by Courtney Milan (Amazon)  - 5:00

The Rose Code by Kate Quinn (Amazon)  - 8:38 

What Kind of Woman by Kate Baer (Amazon)  - 14:30

Infinite Country by Patricia Engel (Amazon)  - 15:09

The Final Revival of Opal and Nev by Dawnie Walton (Amazon)  - 18:25

Craft in the Real World by Matthew Salasses (Amazon)  - 22:10 

Good Company by Cynthia D’Aprix Sweeney (Amazon)  - 27:10

Olympus, Texas by Stacey Swann (Amazon)  - 30:45

Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott (Amazon)  - 34:00

Disfigured on Fairy Tales, Disability, and Making Space by Amanda Leduc (Amazon)  - 36:00

The Good Sister by Sally Hepworth (Amazon)  - 39:55

The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy (Amazon) - 44:50


Summer lineup - 49:22